Impact through Cooperation
together we move
We work together with the following organisations:
AMFORI BSCI (Business social compliance initiative)
Amfori BSCI is a leading business initiative to improve working conditions in global supply chains. The amfori BSCI Code of Conduct (CoC) is based on the conventions of the International Labor Organization (ILO), the universal human rights declarations of the United Nations, the UN Global Compact and the OECD guidelines. All members of amfori BSCI agree to the CoC and commit themselves to comply with it. By joining, the participants must involve their suppliers in the amfori BSCI process and are continuously monitored for progress. The suppliers of the BSCI participants in turn commit themselves to comply with the BSCI CoC and are audited accordingly. In addition, the companies are supported in their further development with training courses.
yourharvest has been a amfori BSCI member since 2014 and is committed to implementing the BSCI system in its supply chains. We monitor the processing standards of our producers and arrange risk-based BSCI audits.
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Since 2020, we have been working with ClimatePartner to offset our operational emissions. ClimatePartner supports companies in finding solutions to protect the climate. They support companies both in the calculation and reduction of CO2 emissions and in the implementation of climate strategies and compensation of CO2 emissions through climate protection projects.
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Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein
The Global Compact Network Switzerland & Liechtenstein is a legally independent business association and the only official platform of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) based in New York in Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
The network promotes responsible business practices by driving multi-stakeholder dialogue, providing knowledge, tools and platforms for peer learning for companies, that arecommitted to corporate responsibility and sustainability. The Global Compact Network supports companies in aligning their business strategies and operations with the ten principles of the UN Global Compact in the areas of human rights, labour, environment, and anti-corruption, and in taking action to support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
yourharvest has been a member since 2021 and is lookingforward to working with them.
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Fairtrade Max Havelaar
The Max Havelaar Foundation (Switzerland) appears under the logo of the international umbrella organisation „Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International“. It is a non-profit organisation that awards the Fairtrade label in Switzerland for sustainably cultivated and fairly traded products. The label voucher stands for guaranteed minimum prices, long-term trade relations, dignified working conditions and environmentally friendly production. We are proud that many of our products carry the Fairtrade Max Havelaar quality label.
yourharvest AG has been working closely with Fairtrade Max Havelaar for many years to establish new Fairtrade supply chains or launch new products. A joint success story: together with Fairtrade Max Havelaar, a new standard for agave syrup was introduced and is enjoying a steady increase sales. This ensures access to export markets for a growing number of small holders: An important element in improving living and working conditions in the producing countries.
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Since 2020, yourharvest has been a member of öbu – the association for sustainable business in Switzerland. In cooperation with its member companies, öbu promotes an economy that is committed to adhering to ecological and social principles.
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Rainforest Alliance
The Rainforest Alliance is an international non-profit organisation working at the interface of trade, agriculture and forestry. Its aim is to create a better future for people and nature, where responsible business practices go without saying. The Rainforest Alliance seal stands for a better future for people and nature. The organisation trains producers from certified farms in more sustainable farming practices that result in higher yields, increased income and better environmental protection.
yourharvest has been working with Rainforest Alliance for many years. We source tea and hazelnuts from Rainforest Alliance-certified farms and are a member of the steering committee for the hazelnut programme.
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In addition to the careful use of resources, companies should also attach importance to ethical and social sustainability, such as improving working conditions within global supply chains. The worldwide known online platform SEDEX (Supplier Ethical Data Exchange) offers its members the opportunity to provide customers and partners with detailed information on social and ethical processes.
yourharvest is a SEDEX member and uses the platform to map its supply chains.
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yourharvest works with Xylene to successfully ensure a responsible supply chain and build transparency.
With the increasing importance of responsible supply chains worldwide, the establishment of supply chain transparency is at the forefront. Xylene’s digital toolkit makes it easy for companies to build supply chain visibility. The visualisation of the supply chain beyond direct suppliers to the origin and the identification of risks therein. In addition, Xylene offers the possibility to extend transparency by enabling traceability of the product flow without having to switch to a new system. This mobile application allows suppliers to record product-related information that is validated using satellite data and blockchain. This gives them a trustworthy tracking of their materials. Xylene is universally applicable and is already used in the textile, food, minerals and chemical industries.
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